Lord Hear My Prayer
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why God doesn’t answer every prayer? Did you know
God does not even listen to some prayers? When God isn't listening, IT IS UP TO US TO MAKE HIM LISTEN. People in the Bible used the phrase, “Lord, hear my prayer” because they understood we are our best advocates for getting God to hear our prayers. Lord, Hear My Prayer was written to help readers understand how and why we need to get God’s attention in prayer.
By thoroughly examining Psalm 143, readers will discover prayer is more than talking with God; it is communication with the Creator. If we want to receive answers to prayer, we have to do more than talk to God in prayer, we have to learn how to communicate with the Creator on his terms, not ours. Lord, Hear My Prayer teaches why praise, worship, learning how and when to talk to God, and being “quickened by the Holy Spirit” are so important. Readers will also learn:
• How to get God to LISTEN TO YOUR PRAYER when he is NOT LISTENING
• Understanding how to get God to say YES when he wants to say NO
• The importance of ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING in prayer
• How to ASK for something in prayer
• Why the LORD’S PRAYER is so important (Matthew 6:9-13)
A 7 day Study Guide is included to help reinforce the concepts discussed in this book.
Free Prayer Resources
Prayer Calendar
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Ask and it Shall be Given: Three Steps to Guaranteed Results in Prayer

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8 ESV
Jesus made three specific promises about prayer:
1. Everyone Asking in prayer will receive.
2. Everyone Seeking something in prayer will find what they are looking for.
3. Everyone Knocking on spiritual doors in prayer will eventually see them opened.
With such an incredible guarantee, why are we not receiving everything we ask for? Either Matthew 7:7-8 is not true, or we need to learn the true meaning of Asking, Seeking and Knocking. It’s time to take hold of the promise and begin Asking, Seeking and Knocking our way toward guaranteed results!
This book is divided into three sections, which examine Asking, Seeking and Knocking, followed by a 7 day devotional.
The Ten Greatest Prayers of the Bible

The Ten Greatest Prayers of the Bible explores the intersection between ordinary and great prayers. Featuring actual prayers from biblical heroes such as Solomon, Hezekiah, Jesus and many others, this book shows you how to pray and achieve results from God the way that spiritual giants of the Bible did. In this book, you will:
•Learn why profound vocabularies and long speeches are not necessary in order to achieve miraculous results
•Learn how spoken and unspoken prayers can unlock healing, miracles and great blessings
•Learn how to pray and receive what you ask from God and more!
•Examine what roles faith, humility, brokenness and the willingness to struggle play in getting your prayers answered
This thorough study of the Bible’s greatest prayers reveals astounding truths about prayer reveals how to actually get miraculous results. By the time you finish this book, your old notions will be replaced by the reality of how real people prayed and achieved tremendous results. Prepare to move beyond rituals and learn how to shake heaven and earth as you pray the way great people of the Bible did.
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The Ten Greatest Miracles of the Bible
Do you want to unlock the secrets to manifest God’s miracles in your life?
Do you wonder why certain people receive miracles and others do not?
Are you in need of financial miracles or bodily healing?
Do you want to become a miracle worker to help others and yourself?
Do you want to know the prayers and characteristics people in the Bible used to receive miracles?
Do you want to know what things you can do to receive the same miracles as people in the Bible
This book about miracle stories will help you:
Learn to pray like biblical greats such as Moses and Elijah to see miraculous results
Learn to better understand the miracles of our Lord
Experience divine miracles, deliverance and healing like people in the Bible
Experience a deeper, more passionate and powerful walk with Christ
Learn three unique characteristics that lead to miracles which will forever change your spiritual walk
Realize that miracles happen and begin to regain control and purpose in your walk with God
Become the miracle worker God wants you to be
This course in miracles provides:
A detailed look at ten of God’s greatest miracles in the Bible, including financial and healing miracles
Why miracles can happen to anyone
The Miracles of Jesus
A special section listing all the great miracle stories in the Bible (114 miracles in 6 categories)
40 Days of Faith
40 Days of Faith is a devotional for anyone who desires a closer relationship with Christ and an outpouring of His anointing. Each time a person spent forty days praying, fasting and seeking the Lord they came out of that time period spiritually stronger and anointed. The same can happen with you as you go through the forty individual days of reading and prayer along with one day of fasting each week that are laid out in this book. Each daily readings include a carefully selected scripture along with an explanation of that particular verse. Each week in the 40 Days of Faith has a particular theme to help the reader focus on specific area. The six themes are:
Week 1 – Prayer
Week 2 – Knowing God
Week 3 – The Holy Spirit
Week 4 – Salvation
Week 5 – Intercession
Week 6 – Holiness
This is a structured program which requires daily discipline and faithfulness and will produce daily results. By the end of the forty day period, your faith will be greatly increased and you will experience a closer relationship with Christ. You will also see an increase in your effectiveness in prayer and knowledge of God’s Word. Prepare to walk with the Lord each day and have him walk with you.
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Ready for the Rapture
Do you want to understand End Times prophecy and prepare for The Rapture?Do you wonder where the Rapture fits into End Times prophecy?
Do you wonder what the difference between The Rapture, the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ are?
Do you want to know what specific events occur before The Rapture?
The personal testimonial I give in this book sparked a deep desire inside me to study End Time prophecy and every scripture related to the Rapture. Understanding Bible Prophecy can be difficult. By examining these scriptures and taking and in depth analysis of specific End Time Bible prophecy scriptures in the books of Revelation, Matthew, Daniel, and Luke, the rapture question is answered! This book makes the End Times simplified and provides revelations about the Rapture never discussed in other End Times books.
Receive a clear understanding of how the Rapture will unfold
Understand how the Rapture, End times, antichrist, the end of days and Resurrection relate
Understand the relationship between death and the Resurrection
Learn how to prepare for the Rapture
Learn why you do not want to miss the Rapture
Use a checklist based on Bible scripture to determine if you are ready for the Rapture
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Living in the New Millennium and Beyond
Have You Wondered What Life Will Be Like After the Rapture
Will Jesus Christ return to rule the earth?
Will there still be nations and governments?
How will the saints be rewarded and what role will they play in the affairs of earth?
With over 125 referenced scriptures, Revelation is revealed in Living in the New Millennium and Beyond. No other book makes the mystery of our future relationship with Jesus Christ clear like this one!
Find out how we will we worship God after the Rapture
Find out how what kind of lifestyle we will have in the New Millennium
Learn what happens during The 1000 Year New Millennium period, The Day of Judgment, and The New Heaven and New Earth
View a list of every scripture relating to End Times, The 1000 Year New Millennium period, The Day of Judgment, and The New Heaven and New Earth
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